Friday, September 11, 2009

Swine Flu Home Remedy

Simple steps to increase Ur immune power and precautions to be taken which is recommended by a prominent doctor:
1) Please drink as much as water, Hot tea.
2) Regularly wash your hand.
3) Eat Halls, Strepsils.
4) Drink atleast 1 glass of lime water daily
5) Every night gurgle with salt water(hot).
6) Take Vitamin B & C tablets or any other health drink
1. Inhale Clove Oil (Lavang) For 1 Second.
2. Chew 1 Clove In a Day
3. Eat Raw Garlic (Lasun), Onion, Ginger (Aale) (1 to 5gm)
4. Drink Hot Milk With 2gm of Turmeric
5. Consume Plenty Of Vit C Fruits-Lemon/Avala
*Ayurvedic way:*
Many people have been asking me about a way where swine or any such pandemic flu can be prevenrted. The only way to prevent any infection is to boost your immunity. Hence we go back to Ayurveda text and come back with a simple remedy if followed for 21 - 48 days will prevent infections. So here it is
Tulsi leaves (crsuhed paste) 1 spoon (approx 1gms)
Yashtimadhu (Jyeshtmadh) powder 1/2spoon (1gm)
Harada powder 1/2spoon
Turmeric powder 1/2 spoon
Saptaparna powder 1/2 spoon (Alstonia scholaris)
Vidang powder 1/2 spoon (Embelia ribes)
This mixture to be mixed with honey and taken 2 times a day. Will improve immunity. Especially useful if you are working in A/C environment which results in polluted air and spread of epedemic> all herbs available at ayurveda herb store

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